Area Rugs

Salsa Rugs
We stock Salsa and Salsa Swing in most colours, in 6’6 x 8′ and 8′ x 10′ in our Vancouver, BC warehouse. sizes We have certain colours stocked in sizes up to 10′ x 13′.
Standard sizes:
- 2′ x 4′
- 2’4 x 4’6
- 3′ x 6′
- 4’3 x 6’6
- 5’6 x 7’10
- 6’6 x 6’6
- 6’6 x 8′
- 8′ x 8′
- 8’x 10′
- 8′ x 11’6
- 10′ x 13'
Looking for custom sizes? Order textures! Here are the maximum widths:
- Salsa Limone, Salsa Loop, Salsa Square, Salsa Flor: 10′ wide, no limit on length
- Salsa, Salsa Weave, Salsa Swing, Salsa Trend, Salsa Stone: 19′ wide, no limit on length
Please note that the Salsa Jamaica texture is available up to a max diameter of 10' and comes only in round or oval shapes. All other textures can only be produced in rectangular or square shapes.
Salsa, Salsa Trend, Salsa Limone, Salsa Jamaica, Salsa Swing and Salsa Weave are reversible textures. You can use these carpets on both sides for added longevity and versatility.
Salsa Lounge Ottomans
The Salsa Lounge Ottomans come in the Salsa Jamaica texture. The ottomans are available in Small, Large and XL.
If you're looking for a more custom option, mix up to 3 Salsa colours to create a unique textural effect.
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